Participants will take a refreshing journey into the waters of the bay, wading into mudflats and seagrass beds at low tide to find many of the plants and animals that call this estuary home. Dip and seine nets will be provided for participants to collect organisms such as fish, shrimp, crabs and snails. The organisms will be placed in buckets or magnifiers for attendees to take a closer look and learn how each living creature plays an important role in the ecosystem.
Surveys would not be possible without the contributions of our volunteers! Help us conduct nest counts, record data, and with proper training, captain the boat. The data we collect is published in the annual South Florida Wading Bird Report, Florida Scientist, Estero Bay State of the Bay Report, and is used to make management decisions within the bay and across the state. Join us for a fun experience and learning opportunity!
Wading trips are free, but registration is required. Call Jackie Langston at 239-530-1004 to register. Participants are required to wear closed-toed shoes that can get wet, such as old tennis shoes or diving booties, and a swimsuit or shorts
*Directions to the wading trip location will be provided upon registration.